Modal Logic*

Copyright, © 1973-2002 by J. Jay Zeman

The Lewis-Modal Systems

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Expanded Contents

1: A Note on Notation

2: Groundwork - The Propositional Calculus

3: Groundwork - Propositional Sequent-Logic

4: Groundwork - Propositional Logic and Tableaux

5: The Absolutely Strict Systems - S1° and S1

6: The Absolutely Strict Systems - S2°, S2, T° and T

7: The Absolutely Strict Systems - Alternative Formulations

8: The Absolutely Strict Systems - Modal Sequent-Logic

9: The Absolutely Strict Systems - Tableaux

10: The Systems of Complete Modalization - S3° and S3

11: The Systems of Complete Modalization - S4°, S4, and S5

12: The Systems of Complete Modalization - Alternative Formulations

13: The Systems of Complete Modalization - Sequent-Logic, the Basic Systems

14: The Systems of Complete Modalization - Basic Systems of Tableaux

15: The Systems of Complete Modalization - The S4-S5 Spectrum and Related Systems

Appendix: Bases for Key Systems and Structures Studied in this Book


Originally Published: Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1973