(B.1) |
'Lewis-style' axiomatizations of S1°-S5:
S1°-S1; S2°-T;
S3°-S3; S4°-S5 |
These axiomatizations have K, N, and M primitive (L
defined as NMN and ab
as NMKaNb).
Rules of inference are substitution for variables, strict detachment,
adjunction, and substitutivity of strict equivalence. |
Axioms for
S1°: |
M1: |
KpqKqp |
M2: |
Kpqp |
M3: |
KKpqrKpKqr |
M4: |
pKpp |
M5: |
K pq qr pr |
Axioms for S2°: |
M1-M5 plus |
M7: |
MKpqMp |
Axioms for S3°: |
M1-M5 plus |
Axioms for S4°: |
M1-M5 plus |
M9: |
MMpMp |
Axioms for T°: |
Where a
is any PC thesis, add LLa
to S1° |
Axioms for Sl, S2, S3,
S4, T: |
Add |
M6: |
pMp |
to the respective 'nought
system'. |
for S5: |
M1-M5 plus |
M10: |
MpLMp |
(B.2) |
bases for S1°-S5;
S3°-S5 |
These axiomatizations have C, N, and L primitive (M
defined as NLN and as
LC). They are all based on classical PC; axioms for PC
may be taken as CN1, CN2, and CN3, with
substitution for variables and material detachment. In addition to PC,
the bases are as follows: |
Basis for Sl°: |
Axiom: |
Rules of Inference: |
RL1: |
BKW: |
If both
LaLb. |
RLE: |
a. |
Basis for S2°: |
Axiom: |
Rules of Inference: |
RLE: |
a (same
as Sl°) |
RL2: |
is a PC theorem or a theorem of form CLbg, then
La |
Basis for T°: |
Same as for S2°, except replace RL2 by: |
RL: |
then La |
Basis for S3°: |
Axiom: |
Rules of Inference: |
RLE and RL2 as for S2° |
Basis for
S4°: |
Same as for S3°, except replace RL2 with
RL as in T°. |
Bases for S1, S2,
S4: |
Replace rule RLE in the respective 'nought' system with
axiom |
In addition, for
S1 only, add the following clause to RL1 |
. . ., or |
(c) |
a is
of form CLbb |
For S3 and S4, axiom L4 may be replaced by
axiom |
Basis for S5: |
Add to T (or to any of the systems of this section
(B.2)) axiom |
(B.3) |
Systems between S4 and S5, and
Sobocinski's 'non-Lewis modal' systems |
These systems may be considered to be based on the
S4 of the above section.
They are as follows: |
S4.1 |
= S4 + M13,
  pLppCMLpp or
M14.   pLpLpCMLpLp |
S4.1.4 |
= S4 + M15,
  pLppCLMLpp |
S4.2 |
= S4 + M12,
MLpLMp |
= S4.2 +
M13 |
S4.3 |
= S4 + M11,
A Lpq Lqp |
D (S4.3.1) |
= S4.3 +
M13 |
S4.3.2 |
= S4 + M17, A LpqCMLqp |
S4.3.3 |
= D + M20,
S4.3.4 |
= S4.3.2 +
M20 |
S4.4 |
= S4 + M16,
pCMLpLp |
S4.9 |
= S4.4 +
M20 |
= S4 + M21,
= S4.4 +
M18, ACMLppCLMqMLq |
= S4 + M19,
A MLpLp MLMqCqLq |
V1 |
= S4 + M24,
ALpA pq pNq |
V2 |
= S5 + M24 |
K1 |
= S4 + M22,
LMpMLp |
K2 |
= S4.2 +
M22 |
K3 |
= S4.3 +
M22 |
K3.1 |
= D + M22 |
K3.2 |
= S4.3.2 +
M22 |
K4 |
= S4.4 + M22 |
(B.4) |
Modal sequent-logic for S1°-S5 |
The modal sequent-logics are based on the logic LPC of section
A.2. The sequent-logics other than LS1°, LS2°, LT°,
LS3°, and LS4° (sequent-logics corresponding to the 'nought
systems') will have a rule to introduce L into the antecedent: |
The sequent-logics corresponding to the nought systems will lack this
rule, having only a rule to insert L into the succedent. Other
than this distinction between nought and nonnought systems, modal
sequent-logics will be distinguished by their ®L
rule, as follows: |
and LS1°: |
1. |
If G is singular or empty,
Q = G and D = a; |
2. |
In all other cases, D is empty and
Q has as its members two and only
two of the formulas belonging to G. |
and LS2°: |
®L may be applied with the sequence
G empty; however, if it is once so
applied, it may not be applied again at all in the same proof string. |
LT and
LT°: |
for these systems is as for LS2 and LS2°, but the
restriction is omitted. |
LS3 and
LS3°: |
(a) |
Each formula of
is a subformula of a
or a subformula of LG or LD;
the left premiss is provable in LPC. |
(b) |
D or
G may be empty, but if
both of these sequences are empty,
rule ®L may not be applied again in the same proof string. |
LS4 and
LS4°: |
restrictions on G,
D. |
LS5: |
® LQ,
a |
®L |
LG ®
La |
Normal-form theorem not provable. |
(B.5) |
Sequent-logic for systems between S4
and S5 |
Sequent-logics have been developed for several of these systems. The
normal-form theorem is in general not provable for these systems, so
CUT must be included in their formulations. |
LS4.2: |
Replace LS4's
by: |
a |
®L |
LG ®
La |
LS4.3: |
Add the following sequent as an axiom schema to LS4: |
LAaLb ®
Lb |
LS4.4: |
Axioms and rules involving the arrow ®
are as for LS4; in addition, another arrow
employed; axioms and rules for
obtained by replacing ® in axioms
and rules of LS5 by
Sequents G
Q occurring in
proofs are called 'subtheorems'; only sequents involving the ordinary
arrow are theorems. Movement from subtheorems to theorems is by the rule |
LQ |
LQ |
(B.6) |
Tableaux for modal
systems |
All these structures include MPC. Tableaux for the nought systems
(i.e. tableaux of the structures MS1°, MS2°, MS3°,
MS4°, and MT°) differ from those for other systems in that
the auxiliarity relation is not reflexive; tableaux are not auxiliary to
themselves. In the other structures discussed, this relation is
reflexive; this affects the application of the rules for L on the
left. We shall state rules asserting what to do when a formula La
occurs left or occurs right in a tableau. Distinguishing the system
MSn° from MSn depends on the difference noted
in their auxiliarity relation. |
MT° and MT: |
For MT°, the only tableaux which must be auxiliary to a given
tableau are those constructed by an application of L-r in
that tableau; for MT in addition, each tableau is auxiliary to
itself: |
L-r: |
If La
occurs on the right of a tableau, construct a
new tableau auxiliary to that tableau and beginning with only
a on its right. |
L-l: |
If La
occurs on the left of a tableau, write
a on the left of
each tableau auxiliary to that tableau. |
MS2° and MS2: |
Structures for S2 and S2° will involve possible worlds of
a kind different from the ordinary, called 'non-normal' worlds, and so
also non-normal tableaux. Statements La
are always false in a non-normal world, and statements Ma
are always true. These structures are like MT° and MT
except for having the following instead of L-r above: |
L-r(2): |
When La
occurs on the right of a
(normal) tableau, split the alternative set
to which that tableau belongs; in one of the new alternative sets begin a
new auxiliary normal tableau with
a on its right; in
the other new alternative set, begin a new non-normal tableau with
a on its right. |
and MS1 |
These are of considerable complication, and the reader is referred to
the relevant place in Chapter 9. |
MS4° and MS4: |
Here the accessibility and so the auxiliarity relation is transitive; to
reflect this, we alter rule L-l of MT° and MT
to read |
L-l(4): |
If La
occurs on the left of a tableau
t (of LS4° or LS4),
write both a
and La
on the left of each tableau auxiliary to t (unless, of
course, a formula to be written is already there). |
MS3° and MS3: |
Replace rule L-l for MS2° and MS2 with: |
L-l(3): |
When La occurs on the left of a (normal)
tableau t, write both a and La
on the left of each normal tableau auxiliary to t (unless,
of course, the formula to be written already stands there). Write only a
on the left of each non-normal tableau auxiliary to t. |
MS5: |
MS5 the accessibility and auxiliarity relations are reflexive,
transitive, and symmetrical. The rules employed are: |
L-r(5): |
If the formulas La, LQ
are all the formulas beginning with L on the right of a tableau,
create an auxiliary tableau beginning with a, LQ
on the right. |
L-l(5): |
If La occurs left in a tableau t,
write a and La
left in every tableau ancestrally generated from t (unless
such formulas already occur there). |
MS4.2: |
The accessibility relation here is 'convergent' as well as transitive
and reflexive. Replace L-r of MS4 by: |
L-r(4.2¢): |
When the formulas LNLQ, La are all the formulas beginning with L on the right of an
tableau, construct a tableau auxiliary to that tableau and having LNLQ
and a
on its right. |
MS4.3 |
The accessibility relation here is reflexive, transitive, and linear.
Replace L-r in MS4 by |
L-r(4.3): |
Where La1,
. . ., Lan
occur on the right of an MS4.3 tableau, split that tableau into n
tableaux, each one having auxiliary to it a tableau with a different one of the
a1, . . ., an
on its right; the auxiliary tableau with ai
on its right, 1
£ i
£ n, will also
have the set of formulas La1, . .
., Lan less Lai
on its right. |
MS4.4: |
Here the main and the auxiliary tableaux differ in kind: a rule for L-left
is given for main and for auxiliary tableaux respectively: |
L-l(4.4m): |
If La
occurs left in a main MS4.4 tableau, write La
a left in all tableaux
of that alternative set (except where they already occur). |
L-l(4.4a): |
If La
occurs left in an auxiliary MS4.4 tableau, write La
and a
left in all auxiliary tableaux of that alternative set (except where they
already occur). |
And in like manner, rules for L on the right, here for auxiliary
and for main tableaux respectively: |
L-r(4.4a): |
If La
occurs left in an auxiliary tableau in MS4.4, begin a new auxiliary
tableau with
a on its right. |
L-r(4.4m): |
(1) |
If La
occurs right in a main tableau and a
also occurs right there, no further action is taken with this La. |
(2) |
If La1, . . ., Lam.
occur right in a main tableau and a1,
. . ., am all occur left
in that tableau, begin a new tableau auxiliary to the main and starting with
La1, . . ., Lam
on its right. |
(3) |
If La1, . . ., Lan
occur right in a main tableau and none of the a1,
. . ., an. occur either left or
right in that tableau, split that tableau into n + 1 alternative
tableaux; a different one of the a1, .
. ., an will be written on the
right of each of n of these tableaux; all the a1,
. . ., an will be written on
the left of the (n + 1)th. |