Peirce Manuscripts
Digitized: ms460

ms 145 ** ms 460 ** ms 462 ** ms 464 ** ms 507

All MSS descriptions are taken from the Robin catalog.

ms460 (1903) [Lecture III] A. MS., notebook, G-1903-2a, pp. 1-22. Published, in part, as 1.15-26 (pp. 2-21). Gamma graphs, the third part of existential graphs, rendered intelligible by CSP's categories of Firstness, Secondness, Thirdness. And without the gamma graphs, multitude, infinity, and continuity are not easily explained. The peculiarity of gamma graphs is that they make abstractions (mere possibilities) and laws the subjects of discourse.

Digitized: 11 pages and 2 versos.

Transcription of ms 460

ms 460, p. 13
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ms 460, p. 14
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jpg, e-z read
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ms 460, p.15
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jpg, e-z read
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ms 460, p. 16
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jpg, e-z read
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ms 460, p. 17
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jpg, e-z read
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ms 460, p. 18
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jpg, e-z read
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ms 460, p. 19
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jpg, e-z read
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ms 460, p. 20
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jpg, e-z read
Transcription (html)
ms 460, p. 21
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jpg, e-z read
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ms 460, p. 21v
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jpg, e-z read
Transcription (html)
ms 460, p. 22
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jpg, e-z read
Transcription (html)
ms 460, p. 22v
tiff image (22 MB)
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jpg, e-z read
Transcription (html)
ms 460, p. 23
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jpg, e-z read
Transcription (html)