OrderingArrowHead Members

OrderingArrowHead Overview


New() The Plain-Vanilla Constructor
New(Element, Int32, Color, Point) Instantiates an Arrowhead whose Line begins at a given TailWorld Element, with a given Line Width and Line Color (also is this Control's Color), with its center at a given Location

Public Properties

AccessAngle The current angle in Degrees of the Access Line on the EGUniverse, with Origin at Center of the TailWorld
AccessLineWidth Width of the Access Line
CenterGlobal CenterPoint of the circumscribing circle, with respect to the ParentUniverese; Setting this property also sets the Location
CenterLocal CenterPoint of the circumscribing circle, with Origin as UL of this Control
Diameter Diameter of circle which circumscribes ArrowHead Equilateral Triangle; This is also the Width and the Height of this Control itself; setting this Property sets these as well
HeadElement Element toward which this Arrow points
MouseLoc Location of the Mouse on this Control
Mover The instantiation of MoveControl used by this EGAccessArrow
ParentSpace The Parent Control for the OrderingArrowheads and Elements, Dimensioned as a Space
TailElement Element away from which this Arrow points
TotalRotation Keeps track of the degrees of rotation of the active Region of this Control
WorldPair The Pair of EGWorlds connected by this Access Line

Public Methods

DetermineAzimuth Determines Angle in Degrees Clockwise between X-positive Axis and Line FromPoint-ToPoint
RotateRegion (Region, Double, Point) Rotates the active Region a given number of degrees Clockwise around a given Point; The rotated Region is returned rather than simply Set
RotateRegion (Double) Rotates the active Region so that the JunctionPoint-to-Tip Axis parallels a given azimuth, with O degrees being the X-positive axis; The rotated Region is returned rather than simply Set; note also that the Axis is directional, with its base, zeroed orientation being 90 degrees (pointed South)
RotateRegion () Rotates the active Region to align with the AccessLine to this Control's TailWorld
SetRegion Sets the active Region of this Control
TriangleHead Computes Apexes for an equilateral triangle to be an ArrowHead; Control.Height = Control.Width = Diameter