OrderPropertiesPackage Members

OrderPropertiesPackage Overview

Public Properties

IsAntisymmetric Returns True iff the Order in question is Antisymmetric, i.e., if X <= Y and Y <= X, then X = Y, for all X, Y in the domain
IsReflexive Returns True iff the Order in question is Reflexive, e.g.., X <= X, for all X in the domain
IsSymmetric Returns True iff the Order in question is Symmetric, i.e., X <= Y iff Y <= X, for all X, Y in the domain
IsTransitive Returns True iff the Order in question is Transitive, i.e., if X <= Y and Y <= Z, then X <= Z, for all X, Y, Z in the domain

Public Methods

ToString Returns a String representation of this OrderPropertiesPackage