frmBreakLigature Members

frmBreakLigature Overview


New(Dot, Dot) Constructor specifying Original and Split-off Lines of Identity
New() The plain vanilla Constructor

Public Properties

OriginalDot The Dot which was the actual Locus of the Break
OriginalLig The Ligature to which OriginalDot belongs
OriginalLigDots DotCollection Listing and Tracking through the Break the Dots Belonging to the original Ligature which is Broken
OriginalLigHooks HookCollection Listing and Tracking through the Break the Hooks Belonging to the original Ligature which is Broken
RootSA Reference to the SheetOfAssertion which is the Root of this Graph Construction
SplitOffDot The New Dot which was split off from OriginalDot at the actual Locus of the Break
SplitOffLig The Ligature to which SplitOffDot belongs
SplitOffLigDots DotCollection Listing and Tracking through the Break the Dots Belonging to the newly-created Ligature which arises in the Break
SplitOffLigHooks HookCollection Listing and Tracking through the Break the Hooks Belonging to the newly-created Ligature which arises in the Break

Public Methods

LocationAsClientCoord Gives the Location of this Form in its own Client Coordinates
LocationAsScreenCoord Gives the Location of this Form in Screen Coordinates