Van Members

Van Overview


New(ProtoGraph) Specifies the Van's Client, and initializes
New() The plain vanilla Constructor

Public Properties

BandWidth Used in conjunction with FrameRegion to define Corner Regions
CenterRegion The Rectangular Region at the center of the Van
Client Graph which is moved or sized by this Control
EdgePen Pen used in drawing this Control
ERegion Region on the East edge (but not corners) of this Van's Frame
FrameRegion The Region defining the outer frame of this Van
FrameWidth Width in pixels of edge of this Control
Mover Instantiation of a Class which does much of the acutal lifting and moving
NERegion Region at the NE Corner of this Van's Frame
NRegion Region on the North edge (but not corners) of this Van's Frame
NWRegion Region at the NW Corner of this Van's Frame
SERegion Region at the SE Corner of this Van's Frame
SRegion Region on the South edge (but not corners) of this Van's Frame
SWRegion Region at the SW Corner of this Van's Frame
VanBrush Brush used in drawing this Control
WRegion Region on the West edge (but not corners) of this Van's Frame