ProtoGraph Members

ProtoGraph Overview

Public Enumerations

CtxMenuStyle Defines which sort of Context-Menu will be employed for right-clicks of Mouse on Graphs
GraphOperationState State of Operation in process for this Graph; often controls branches in procedures


New() The plain vanilla Constructor

Public Properties

AssemblyName The Name of this Assembly
BetaReitDialog Dialog employed in Beta Reitration; carries most of the code for this
Bitmap Reference to Bitmap used for this Graph
BorderPen When there is a Border, it is drawn with this
ClipPath Reference to this Graphs Clip Path
ClipPathIsImported True means Clipping Path is generated outside and prior to this Graph's construction
ClipPathOnPG Reference to this Graph's Clip Path translated to its ParentGraph
ColorQueue Queue for Storing, Supplying, and Recycling Line of Identity Colors
ConjunctiveGroup Permits Grouping of EG for Moving, etc., without creation of a ConjunctiveEG
ContextMenuToUse Picks which ContextMenu is used for this Graph-construction
CopiedFROM When this is a copied Graph, this property refers to the Original
CopiedTO When this Graph is copied, as in Reiteration, this is the Most Recent Copy
CornerRadius Radius in pixels of rounded corners on Cuts
CurrentDotColor Index for next Line of Identity's Color
CurrentDotColorARGB ARGB for next Line of Identity's Color
DeiterateToMe Outer (undeleted) instance of Graph to be Deiterated
GlobalForm A Form, such as an MDIParent or equivalent Mother Ship, whose Tag can be used as a Drop for Copied Objects
GraphIsActive "False" means this Graph has been deleted
GraphState Indicates operation underway on this Graph
GraphToCopy Reference to Graph scheduled to be copied
GraphToInsertVerso Reference to Graph scheduled for insertion on a Verso
GraphToReiterate Reference to Graph scheduled to be Reiterated
HasAccessTo : The Collection of RootSA's associated respectively with Worlds TO WHICH the World associated with THIS Construction's RootSA HAS ACCESS
HomeRootSA : The Root SheetOfAssertion of the Construction for the Possible World which this Graph represents
HookMappings This Collection holds mappings of Locations of all Hooks in this Graph Construction to this Graph; Index order is as in Inventory.Hooks
IndexCurrent This Graph's Index in its active Inventory Collection; this is subject to change
IndexFixed Absolute Index of this Graph among its type; assigned at Creation, does not Change
Inventory Properties and Methods giving an Inventory of the Graph Construction and other useful things
IsAccessedFrom : The Collection of RootSA's associated respectively with Worlds WHICH HAVE ACCESS TO the World associated with THIS Construction's RootSA
IsAntisymmetric : True iff Access for the present Instance is Antisymmetric, i.e., if world W is accessed by this instance and also accesses it, then this instance Is W
IsBellWether True means this Graph controls changes to its ConjunctiveGroup
IsConjunctiveEG True marks this Graph as marking a Conjunctive set of Graphs
IsCut True marks this Graph as a Cut
IsDot True marks this Graph as a Dot (Line of Identity)
IsGammaGraph : Returns True iff this is a Gamma Existential Graph
IsRecto True marks this Graph as enclosed by an even number (including 0) of Cuts
IsReflexive : True iff Access for the present Instance is Reflexive
IsRootSA True iff this Graph is a Root SheetOfAssertion, having no ParentGraph
IsSelectedForXML "True" marks this Graph as Selected for XML Copying
IsSheetOfAssertion True marks this Graph as a Sheet of Assertion
IsSpot True marks this Graph as a Spot (Propositional Variable or Predicate
IsSymmetric : True iff Access for the present Instance is Symmetric, i.e., any World accessing this instance also is accessed by it
IsTransitive : True iff Access for the present Instance is Transitive, i.e., any World accessing this instance also has access to all worlds which this instance accesses
IsVan True marks this Graph as a temporary Van, used to move or size other Graphs
LigatureCount Count of Ligatures with Hooks on this Graph
LocRootShadow The Location of this Graph relative to the RootSA
MapsInITSAAlpha A temporary reference to a matched Graph in an ITSAAlpha check; used in the later comparison of Ligatures
MarqueeDragDirection Direction in which Marquee was dragged
MarqueeRectangle Rectangle passed by a Marquee operation
MouseLoc Location of the Mouse on this Graph
Nexus : The EGWorld Object which handles this Graph's Gamma-connections to other Existential Graphs
OutsideClipBoard Holds a Reference to a Graph which might be copied outside this Construction
ParentControl The Parent of this Graph, As Control
ParentGraph The ParentGraph of this Graph, if it exists, As ProtoGraph
Path Complete Description, from RootSA, of this Graph's location in the Graph-tree
PathCount The Number of Graphs in the Path
PathNames Array of Names in the Path
PathRefs Array of References to Graphs in Path of this Graph
PathTypes Array of Names of Types of Graphs in the Path
PreserveHomeRoot : True means that HomeRootSA of this Graph is conserved even if that of its ParentGraph changes
ReiterationParameters Provides information on how to treat Ligatures in a Reiteration
RootSA Reference to the most inclusive Graph of this construction
ShowSpotBorder True means Border is drawn on contained Spots
SpotFont Font used for Spot VariableNames
SubTree Collection of Graphs of this Construction Rooted in the present Graph
SVGCodeForHookConnections Used in Composing SVG image of this Graph
TextBrush Employed for drawing Text
TextColor Color of Text drawn on this Graph
Universe : The EGUniverse Object for this GammaFamily
Version The Version of this Assembly
WorkingRectMarquee Reference to current MarqueeRectangular (if any) active on this Graph
WorldToken : The EGWorld Object originally associated with this Graph
XMLForCopy XML used internally for Insertion on Verso or Reiteration purposes

Public Methods

BestContrastTo Picks White or Black as Text Color depending on Hue, Brightness, and Saturation of Background
ChangeParentTo Moves this Graph to a new ParentGraph maintaining its Location relative to RootSA
ColorToHex Returns a usable Hex String corresponding to a Color (in form "#RRGGBB")
ComplementaryColor Returns the 256-Level RGB Complement of a Color
ComputeLigatureScopes Computes Scopes of all Ligatures with Hooks in this Graph
DeiterateGraph Executes a Deiteration
DeleteChildGraph Deletes a Graph but not its Contents
DeleteConnectionsToDot Deletes Connections to Hooks of a Dot
DeleteGraphIfBranchEnd Returns True and Deletes a Graph if that Graph has no subgraphs; else returns False
DeleteGraphsRecursive () This Overload takes Current Graph as Delendendum; deletes it and all subgraphs
DeleteGraphsRecursive (ProtoGraph) Deletes Delendendum and all subgraphs
DrawSVGHookConnectionsEG Generates a String of XML describing connections drawn between Hooks on a Graph for SVG
GetBiclosureInnerCutIfExistsFor Returns True and passes Reference to Inner Cut of a Biclosure if it exists; else returns False
GetGraphicsObject Returns a Graphics Object for the current ProtoGraph
GetLigatures Passes Collection of Ligatures with Hooks in this Graph and returns their Count
GetLigaturesWithHooksIn Returns Collection of References to Ligatures with Hooks in this Graph or its subgraphs
GetLigsWithThisScope () Returns a LigatureCollection of all Ligatures whose Scope is this Graph
GetLigsWithThisScope (Ligature[]) Passes an Array of all Ligatures whose Scope is this Graph
GetLigsWithThisScopeOrLess () Returns a LigatureCollection of all Ligatures whose Scope is this Graph or an included Graph
GetLigsWithThisScopeOrLess (Ligature[]) Passes an Array of all Ligatures whose Scope is this Graph or an included Graph
GetPathRefsRelativeTo Returns Collection of Graph References to Graphs in Path of this Graph, RELATIVE TO a given Graph; returns empty Collection if NOT (given LTE Me)
GetPathTypeStringRelativeTo Returns String of Type-Names of Graphs in Path of THIS graph RELATIVE TO given Graph
GetSubTree Returns Collection of ProtoGraphs rooted in this Graph
IncludesHook Returns True iff given Hook belongs to this Graph or one of its subgraphs
IncludesHooksFromLigature Returns True iff this Graph or one of its subgraphs includes Hooks belonging to the given Ligature
IsBetaGraph True means that some Descendent Graph of this Graph has Hooks
IsScopeForLigature True iff this Graph is the Scope of a given Ligature
LoadUniversalAccess : Loads Universal Access Properties from a given Order.Space.OrderPropertiesPackage
LocalClipPathToParent Translates the GraphicsPath for this Graph from this Graph's Coordinates to its Parent's
LocationAsClientCoord Gives the Location of this Graph in its own Client Coordinates (i.e., as on its Parent)
LocationAsScreenCoord Gives the Location of this Graph in Screen Coordinates
MoveControl Moves/Sizes a Control, ordinarily a ProtoGraph.
PaletteCheckVersoInsertionStatus Returns True iff a Graph is ready for Insertion on Verso, with option of a Message if it is not
PaletteInsertVerso Inserts a Graph on Verso
PaletteInsertVersoChoosingRightSourceX Inserts a Graph on Verso if one is prepared
ParentClipPathToLocal Translates the GraphicsPath for this Graph to this Graph's Coordinates from its Parent's
PartialCompare (ProtoGraph, ProtoGraph) Partially Compares - meaning Incomparability is a possibility - two given ProtoGraphs
PartialCompare (Object, Object) Partially Compares - meaning Incomparability is a possibility - two given Objects
PartiallyCompareTo (Object) Partially Compares - meaning Incomparability is a possibility - the current instance with another object of the same type
PartiallyCompareTo (ProtoGraph) Partially Compares - meaning Incomparability is a possibility - the current ProtoGraph instance with another ProtoGraph
PassGammaProperties (ProtoGraph, ProtoGraph) : Passes the values of specifically GammaTinctures Properties from one given Graph to another
PassGammaProperties (ProtoGraph) : Passes the values of specifically GammaTinctures Properties from a given Graph to the current Instance
PassGammaProperties () : Passes the values of specifically GammaTinctures Properties from ParentGraph to the current Instance
RectToClipPath Returns a GraphicsPath following the perimeter of a given Rectangle
RelocateKidGraphsToGrandparentEG Relocates subgraphs of a Graph to be deleted to next container graph
ReportHookMappings Generates String describing Hooks in this Graph
ReturnFromBetaReitPrep Records Parameters for a Beta Reiteration and moves to next stage
ShowPartialCompare Returns a String giving the results of a PartiallyCompare function applied to two given ProtoGraphs
SVGElement Generates an SVG/XML Element for this Graph
TextSize (PaintEventArgs, String, Font, Size) Returns and also passes Size (in Pixels) of a given Text
TextSize (String, Font) Returns Size of a Text Object in the Graphics of this Graph
TextSize (PaintEventArgs, String, Font) Returns Size (in Pixels) of a given Text
XMLElement Generates an XML Element describing of this Graph
xmlIndentLevel (Int32) Returns a Tab for each level of nesting of this EG, and passes the Number of such Tabs
xmlIndentLevel () Returns a Tab for each level of nesting of this EG

Public Events

AncestorGraphChanged Occurs when an Ancestor Graph (in the Path) changes.
CurrentDotColorChanged Occurs when CurrentDotColor changes.
DeiterationPrepared Occurs when a Deiteration is prepared and ready to be executed.
GammaHasAccessToChanged : Occurs when HasAccessTo changes.
GammaIsAccessedFromChanged : Occurs when IsAccessedFrom changes.
GammaIsAntisymmetricChanged : Occurs when IsAntisymmetric changes.
GammaIsGammaGraphChanged : Occurs when IsGammaGraph changes.
GammaIsReflexiveChanged : Occurs when IsReflexive changes.
GammaIsSymmetricChanged : Occurs when IsSymmetric changes.
GammaIsTransitiveChanged : Occurs when IsTransitive changes.
GraphIsActiveChanged Occurs when GraphIsActive changes.
GraphStateChanged Occurs when GraphState changes.
GraphToReiterateChanged Occurs when GraphToReiterate changes.
HomeRootSAChanged : Occurs when HomeRootSA Changes.
InserteeChanged Occurs when GraphToInsertVerso changes.
IsSelectedForXMLChanged Occurs when Property IsSelectedForXML changes.
NexusChanged : Occurs when Nexus Changes.
ParentGraphChanged Occurs when the ParentGraph changes.
PathChanged Occurs when the Path changes.
ReiterationParametersChanged Occurs when ReiterationParameters changes.
ShowSpotBorderChanged Occurs when value of ShowSpotBorder changes.
SpotFontChanged Occurs when SpotFont changes.