MoveGraph Members

MoveGraph Overview

Public Enumerations

MoveState The state of the movement being handled by this MoveGraph


New(ProtoGraph, MoveState) Instantiates MoveGraph based on Graph being Moved and MovementState
New() The plain-vanilla Constructor

Public Properties

Arena ContainerGraph for the Target
DynaLoc Dynamically computed Location of the Target
DynaSize Dynamically computed Size of the Target
MachineState An index employed in managing the Move-Size
MarqueeState An index employed in managing the Move-Size
MouseState An index employed in managing the Move-Size
Target Graph to be moved or sized

Public Methods

DrawMarq Draws the Marquee based on the DynaLoc and DynaSize Properties
GetVanPointer Picks Move-Size Pointer based on position of Mouse
SetPointerMap Establishes a Pointer Map based on the Target Control and certain sizing Parameters

Public Events

MachineStateChanged Occurs when MoveGraph.MachineState changes.