Ligature Members

Ligature Overview

Public Enumerations

LigatureColorChange Encapsulates whether a Ligature may or must change Color under certain conditions


New() The Plain-Vanilla Constructor
New(Ligature, ProtoGraph) Constructor used during an exact copy of a Graph, as in Insertion on Verso
New(String, ProtoGraph, Color, String[], String[]) This Constructor is used during a reconstruction from XML
New(HookCollection, DotColor, ProtoGraph) Instantiates a Ligature during a Beta Reiteration
New(Dot) Instantiates a Ligature for a newly-scribed Dot

Public Properties

Color BackColor of LIs in this Ligature; pairs with Name to identify this Ligature which is a quantified variable
ConnectedAtomicGraphs Collection of all AtomicGraphs in and Connected directly by this Ligature
ConnectedSpots Array of Spots directly Connected to this Ligature
ConnectionLineCount The Number of shown Connections between LI's in this Ligature
Connections Array of shown Connections between LI's in this Ligature
ConPen Pen used to draw connections between Hooks
CopiedFROM When this Ligature is part of a Copy, refers to the Ligature which it copies
CopiedTO When this Ligature is part of the SOURCE OF a Copy, refers to the most recent Ligature to which it is copied
DotColor Color information about this Ligature
DotColorHEX Hexadecimal of Color information about this Line of Identity
Dots Array of Lines of Identity (Dots) belonging to this Ligature
FromXMLDotCount When Recreating from XML, Count of Dots of this Ligature for later translation
FromXMLDotNames When Recreating from XML, holds Names of Dots of this Ligature for later translation to References
FromXMLHookCount When Recreating from XML, Count of Hooks of this Ligature for later translation
FromXMLHookNames When Recreating from XML, holds Names of Hooks of this Ligature for later translation to References
Hooks The Hooks on all the AtomicGraphs in this Ligature
IndexCurrent This Ligature's Index in its active Inventory Collection; this is subject to change
IndexFixed Absolute Index of this Ligature in this Graph-construction; this Index does not change
Inventory Reference to the Inventory of Objects in this Graph-Construction
IsExistentiallyQuantified True iff the Scope.IsRecto = True
IsInactive "True" means that this Ligature is no longer active and functioning
IsUniversallyQuantified True iff the Scope.IsRecto = False
MapsLigatureOnCopy When this Ligature is part of a Copy, refers to the Ligature which it copies
Name Pairs with Color to identify this Ligature which is a quantified variable
RootSA Root Graph of this Graph Tree
Scope This EG is the GLB in the Graph-tree of all the Dots and Spots belonging to this Ligature
ScopeCore The subset of Scope.Controls (or the single Dot) which include Hooks in this Ligature
ScopeGraphs The Array of all Graphs including Hooks of this Ligature
ScopeName The Text Name of the Scope of this Ligature

Public Methods

AddAllHookEventHandlers Adds EventHandlers for all Hooks of this Ligature
AddEventHandlersForHook Adds EventHandlers for a given Hook for events monitored in this Ligature
BreakVisibleConnection (LigConnection) Overload; This breaks a visible connection between Hooks given a reference to the Connection
BreakVisibleConnection (Hook, Hook) Overload; This eliminates the visible connection between 2 so-connected Hooks in this Ligature
ClaimAtomForHook Assures that the Atom to which a given Hook belongs is part of this Ligature
ClaimHooks (HookCollection) Adds the Hooks of HH to this Ligature, then Claims them and thier Atoms, changing their Properties appropriately
ClaimHooks () Registers this Ligature as Ligature for all its Hooks, and assures that their Atoms are in this Ligature
CorrectHookConnectionCollections Checks each Hook in this Ligature to be sure its extant Connections include it as a Connection; if Connections Collection includes a Hook NOT in this Lig, removes that reference
DeleteAllVisibleConnections Deletes all visible connections between Hooks in this Ligature
DrawHookConnections (ContainerGraph, PaintEventArgs) Used within a Paint Event Handler to draw the visible connections of this Ligature
DrawHookConnections (ContainerGraph)
DrawSVGHookConnectionsLig Supplies XML code for visible Hook Connections in an SVG graphic
EncapsulateScope Returns a Collection of Graphs containing all Hooks in this Ligature; if this Array were placed on a ConjunctiveEG, that Graph would become the Scope of this Ligature, and if any member of this Array could be left outside that ConjunctiveEG, it would NO LONGER be the Scope
GetCurrentInventoryLigaturesIndex Reads current Index of this Object in the Inventory; this may differ from IndexFixed, which is the Index in CutsHistoric
GetHooksForContainer Returns Collection of Hooks belonging to this Ligature and in Dots located immediately on the area of a given ContainerGraph
GetScopeCore Computes and returns the ScopeCore of this Ligature
GetScopeCoreIn Computes and passes the ScopeCore of this Ligature in a ProtoGraph G; if Ligature has Hooks outside G, it is a Collection whose only member is G and Function Returns False (else True); if non-comparable, Returns False and passes empty ProtoGraphCollection
GetScopeIn Computes and passes the Scope of this Ligature in a ProtoGraph G; if Ligature has Hooks outside G, it is G, Function Returns False (else True); if non-comparable, Returns Nothing
HookArrayToString Produces a String describing a Hook Array
HookColorChangeOnReitFor Where Reiteree is being Reiterated, this tests whether this Ligature's Hooks in the Copy must change color, may change color, or must remain the same color (or is irrelevant)
HooksAlreadyHaveConnectionHere Tests whether 2 given Hooks already are shown as visibly connected in this Ligarure
IncludesHook Returns True iff a given Hook belongs to this Ligature
JoinLigatures (Ligature, Ligature) Overload; Merges a second Ligature with a given Ligature
JoinLigatures (Ligature) Overload; Merges a second Ligature with this Ligature
SetAllElementsColor Sets the Color of all Dots and Hooks belonging to this Ligature to its Color
SetScope (Ligature) Runs SetScope on a given Ligature, computing Scope (which is GLB of the Atoms in that Ligature in the Graph-Tree) and ScopeCore of that Ligature
SetScope () Computes Scope (which is GLB of the Atoms in this Ligature in the Graph-Tree) and ScopeCore of this Ligature
ShowLineConnectionsX This is diagnostic; for visible connection matters, see ContainerGraph_Paint, for a start
ToString Returns a String (on one Line) Representing the Ligature
UpdateConnectedSpots () Updates the ConnectedSpots Collection for this Ligature
UpdateConnectedSpots (Ligature) Updates the ConnectedSpots Collection for a given Ligature
UpdateConnectionsBetweenHooks Updates list of Visible Connections between Hooks of this Ligature
XMLElement Generates an XML element for this Ligature

Public Events

DotRemoved Occurs when a Dot is removed from this Ligature.
ScopeChanged Occurs when the Scope of this Ligature changes.