Inventory Members

Inventory Overview


New(SheetOfAssertion) Initializes Collections

Public Properties

AllHookNumbersVisible true iff All Hook Numbers in this Graph Construction are shown
AllHooksVisible True iff All Hook Locations in this Graph Construction are shown
ConjunctiveEGNameCount The Count of ConjunctiveEG Names used in this Construction
ConjunctiveEGs The Set of ConjunctiveEGs in this Construction
ConjunctiveEGsHistoric The Set of ConjunctiveEGs ever instantiated in in this Construction; Indexes in this Collection are absolute indexes of these Objects
CutNameCount The Count of Cut Names used in this Construction
Cuts The Set of Cuts in this Construction
CutsHistoric The Set of Cuts ever instantiated in in this Construction; Indexes in this Collection are absolute indexes of these Objects
DotNameCount The Count of Dot Names used in this Construction
Dots The Set of Dots in this Construction
DotsHistoric The Set of Dots ever instantiated in in this Construction; Indexes in this Collection are absolute indexes of these Objects
Graphs The Set of Graphs in this Construction
GraphsInactive The Set of Inactive ProtoGraphs for this Graph-Construction
Hooks The Set of Hooks in this Construction
Ligatures The Set of Ligatures in this Construction
LigaturesHistoric The Set of Ligatures ever instantiated in in this Construction; Indexes in this Collection are absolute indexes of these Objects
LigaturesInactive The Set of Ligatures Deleted from this Construction
RootSA The Root Graph of this Construction
SANameCount The Count of SheetOfAssertion Names used in this Construction
Sheets The Set of SheetsOfAssertion in this Construction
SpotNameCount The Count of Spot Names used in this Construction
Spots The Set of Spots in this Construction
SpotsHistoric The Set of Spots ever instantiated in in this Construction; Indexes in this Collection are absolute indexes of these Objects
StringForBetaDTD String defining the DTD for Beta Graph Constructions
TreeForm The Windows Form which displays Inventory Data on this Graph Construction

Public Methods

AddObjectToArrayIfNew (Spot, Spot[]) Adds a Spot to an Array of Spots provided it is not already a member of that Array
AddObjectToArrayIfNew (Hook, Hook[]) Adds a Hook to an Array of Hooks provided it is not already a member of that Array
AddObjectToArrayIfNew (AtomicGraph, AtomicGraph[]) Adds an AtomicGraph to an Array of AtomicGraphs provided it is not already a member of that Array
AddObjectToArrayIfNew (ProtoGraph, ProtoGraph[]) Adds a ProtoGraph to an Array of ProtoGraphs provided it is not already a member of that Array
AddObjectToArrayIfNew (Dot, Dot[]) Adds a Dot to an Array of Dots provided it is not already a member of that Array
AdjustNameCountXML (SheetOfAssertion) Used during recreation of EG from XML; computes SANameCount based on numeric part of SA.Name
AdjustNameCountXML (Dot) Used during recreation of EG from XML; computes DotNameCount based on numeric part of D.Name
AdjustNameCountXML (Cut) Used during recreation of EG from XML; computes CutNameCount based on numeric part of C.Name
AdjustNameCountXML (Spot) Used during recreation of EG from XML; computes SpotNameCount based on numeric part of S.Name
AdjustNameCountXML (ConjunctiveEG) Used during recreation of EG from XML; computes ConjunctiveEGNameCount based on numeric part of K.Name
ArrayToString Combines an Array of Strings into a single String, with the option of specifying a String to serve as separator for these SubStrings
AtomsFromHooks (Hook[], AtomicGraph[]) Passes the Array of AtomicGraphs which own the Hooks in a given Array
AtomsFromHooks (HookCollection, DotCollection) Passes a Collection of the Dots which Own the Hooks in a Given Collection
AtomsFromHooks (Hook[], Dot[]) Passes an Array of the Dots Owning Hooks in a given Array of Hooks
AtomsFromHooks (HookCollection, DotCollection, SpotCollection, AtomicGraphCollection) Passes Collections of the Spots and the Dots which Own the Hooks in a Given Collection, and also an AtomicGraphCollection including them
AtomsFromHooks (Hook[], Dot[], Spot[], AtomicGraph[]) Passes Arrays of the Spots and the Dots which Own the Hooks in a Given Array, and also an AtomicGraph Array including them
AtomsFromHooks (Hook[], Spot[]) Passes an Array of the Spots Owning Hooks in a given Array of Hooks
BareStr Returns a String Representation of a given Integer with no blank fill, but with zeroes filling to at least as many as ZeroFillTo digits
ConnectionLineArrayToString Returns a String listing Substrings corresponding to the LigConnections in a given Array
CutsBetween If P at or under Q, then returns number of Cuts separating (in the Ancestry line between) P and Q; if Not(P at or under Q), then returns -1
EGArrayToString Returns a String with the Names of the ProtoGraphs in a given Array; no line-breaks
GeneologyFrom (ProtoGraph, ProtoGraph, ProtoGraph, ProtoGraph[], Int32) If Descendent is ultimately Begat by ParentGraph Chain from Ancestor, returns True and loads the Descent into FamilyTree()
GeneologyFrom (ProtoGraph, ProtoGraph, ProtoGraph[]) If Descendent is ultimately Begat by ParentGraph Chain from Ancestor, returns True and loads the Descent into FamilyTree()
GetAtomicGraphReference Returns a Reference to an AtomicGraph based on its Name
GetContainerGraphReference Returns a Reference to a ContainerGraph based on its Name
GetCutReference Returns a Reference to a Cut based on its Name
GetDotReference Returns a Reference to a Dot based on its Name
GetHookReference Returns a Reference to a Hook based on its Name
GetKEGReference Returns a Reference to a ConjunctiveEG based on its Name
GetLigatureReference Returns a Reference to a Ligature based on its Name
GetProtoGraphReference Returns a Reference to a ProtoGraph based on its Name
GetSAReference Returns a Reference to a SheetOfAssertion based on its Name
GetSpotReference Returns a Reference to a Spot based on its Name
HideAllHookNumbers Causes all Hook Numbers (for Hooks on Dots) in this Construction to be hidden
HideAllHooks Sets all Hooks in this Construction to Invisible
HookArrayToString Returns a String listing the Names of the Hooks in a given Array
MakeAllHooksInvisible Sets all Hooks in this Construction to Invisible
MakeAllHooksVisible Sets all Hooks in this Construction to Visible
MapHooksToContainers Will Map Locations of all Hooks to each Graph in this Construction
PlotPointShadowFromRoot Takes a Point on RootSA and Returns that Point in the coordinates of a given Graph
PlotPointShadowToRoot Takes a Point on a given Graph and Returns that Point in RootSA coordinates
RemoveArrayMember (Int32, Ligature[], Ligature[]) Returns True and removes the Ligature at a given Index from an Array of Ligatures, passing back the shortened Array PROVIDED the Indexed Graph exists and is removed; ELSE returns False
RemoveArrayMember (Int32, ProtoGraph[], ProtoGraph[]) Returns True and removes the ProtoGraph at a given Index from an Array of ProtoGraphs, passing back the shortened Array PROVIDED the Indexed Graph exists and is removed; ELSE returns False
RemoveArrayMember (Int32, Dot[], Dot[]) Returns True and removes the Dot at a given Index from an Array of Dots, passing back the shortened Array PROVIDED the Indexed Graph exists and is removed; ELSE returns False
RemoveArrayMember (Int32, Spot[], Spot[]) Returns True and removes the Spot at a given Index from an Array of Spots, passing back the shortened Array PROVIDED the Indexed Graph exists and is removed; ELSE returns False
RemoveArrayMember (ProtoGraph, ProtoGraph[], ProtoGraph[]) Returns True and removes a given ProtoGraph from an Array of ProtoGraphs, passing back the shortened Array PROVIDED the Graph is in the original Array; ELSE returns False
RemoveArrayMember (Hook, Hook[], Hook[]) Returns True and removes a given Hook from an Array of Hooks, passing back the shortened Array PROVIDED the Graph is in the original Array; ELSE returns False
RemoveArrayMember (Int32, LigConnection[], LigConnection[]) Returns True and removes the LigConnection at a given Index from an Array of LigConnections, passing back the shortened Array PROVIDED the Indexed Graph exists and is removed; ELSE returns False
RemoveArrayMember (Int32, Hook[], Hook[]) Returns True and removes the Hook at a given Index from an Array of Hooks, passing back the shortened Array PROVIDED the Indexed Graph exists and is removed; ELSE returns False
RemoveArrayMember (Int32, Form[], Form[]) Returns True and removes the Form at a given Index from an Array of System.Windows.Form.Form's, passing back the shortened Array PROVIDED the Indexed Graph exists and is removed; ELSE returns False
SetTypeColorFor Returns White or Black for best visibility against a given Color
ShowAllHookNumbers Causes all Hook Numbers (for Hooks on Dots) in this Construction to be displayed
ShowAllHooks Sets all Hooks in this Construction to Visible
SubGraphsOf Returns a Collection of ProtoGraphs which, for a given Graph G, are the Graphs in G.Controls
Update (Cut) Updates Cuts, Containers, and Graphs and thier Historic (no deletions) versions for a New Cut; Returns its Index in CutsHistoric
Update (Spot) Updates Spots, Atoms, and Graphs and their Historic (no deletions) versions for a New Spot; Returns its Index in SpotsHistoric
Update (Hook) Updates Hooks and HooksHistoric for a new Hook; returns its Index in HooksHistoric
Update (SheetOfAssertion) Updates Sheets, Containers, and Graphs and thier Historic (no deletions) versions for a New SheetOfAssertion; Returns its Index in SheetsHistoric
Update (Dot) Updates Dots, Atoms, and Graphs and their Historic (no deletions) versions for a New Dot; Returns its Index in DotsHistoric
Update (ConjunctiveEG) Updates ConjunctiveEGs, Containers, and Graphs and their Historic (no deletions) versions for a New ConjunctiveEG; Returns its Index in ConjunctiveEGsHistoric
Update (Ligature) Updates Ligatures and LigaturesHistoric for a New Ligature; Returns its Index in LigaturesHistoric
UpdateRemoval (Ligature) Updates Ligatures Collections upon the REMOVAL of a Ligature
UpdateRemoval (Hook) Updates Hooks Collection upon the REMOVAL of a Hook
UpdateRemoval (ProtoGraph) Updates appropriate Collections upon the REMOVAL of a Graph

Public Events

ConjunctiveEGsChanged Occurs when there is a change in Inventory.ConjunctiveEGs.
CutsChanged Occurs when there is a change in Inventory.Cuts.
DotsChanged Occurs when there is a change in Inventory.Dots.
HooksChanged Occurs when there is a change in Inventory.Hooks.
LigaturesChanged Occurs when there is a change in Inventory.Ligatures.
SheetsOfAssertionChanged Occurs when there is a change in Inventory.Sheets.
SpotsChanged Occurs when there is a change in Inventory.Spots.