ContainerGraph Members

ContainerGraph Overview


New() The Plain-Vanilla Constructor

Public Properties

BiclosureDistance Distance in pixels initially between Cuts in a Biclosure
EGWithinMarquee Array of References to Graphs within MarqueeRectangle
ImportedCPPointsCount When this Graph's ClipPath is imported, holds the number of Points on it
ImportedCPPointsLocal Array of externally defined Points defining Clip Path
ImportedCPPointsOnParent Array of externally defined Points defining Clip Path, relative to ParentGraph
OldSize Holds the previous Size of this Graph
PaintGraphics Returns most recent Graphics Object used by Paint EventHandler
PaintRect Returns most recent ClipRectangle used by Paint EventHandler
ShowDiagnosticLabel "True" means Path, Location, and Size of ContainerGraphs are to be posted

Public Methods

AdjustPointsForLocation Computes a change in Location for an Array of Points based on the change in Location of a Given Point
AdjustPointsForSizeChange Computes change in Location of an Array of Points on an area proportional to a change in Size of that area
CopyBetaSpot A Spot copied DIRECTLY (not as part of a larger Graph) requires that its Dot-Stubs be copied with it; this function does this
CopyReiteratedGraph Makes appropriate Type Cast and Calls Copy Constructor in a Reiteration-copy operation
CreatePolarLI Sets up and Returns a Dot (Line of Identity) with this Graph as Parent using Polar Coordinates
DiagnosticLabel Draws Diagnostic Label for this ContainerGraph when required
DrawChildCutOutline Supplies a trace in a Cut's color and following that graph's clipped ouline to demark its edge when a subgraph of IT passes partly under the edge of Me with that child Cut; it runs in the Paint Event Handler for Parent Graph
DrawIncidentalPath Draws a given Path in a Graphics Object defined by a Window Handle
GetGraphCollectionEnclosedByGraphicsPath (GraphicsPath) Returns the Collection of SubGraphs of this EG whose ClipPaths are entirely within a given Path
GetGraphCollectionEnclosedByGraphicsPath (Rectangle) Returns the Collection of SubGraphs of this EG whose ClipPaths are entirely within a given Path, given as a Rectangle
GetGraphsEnclosedByGraphicsPath (GraphicsPath) Returns the Array of SubGraphs of this EG whose ClipPaths are entirely within a given Path
GetGraphsEnclosedByGraphicsPath (Rectangle) Returns the Array of SubGraphs of this EG whose ClipPaths are entirely within a given Path, given as a Rectangle
LocatePolarLI Calculates a Location Point for a Polar LI based on its Polar Coordinates
PointsFromPointsF Converts an Array of PointF's to Points
RectFromPoints (Point[]) Returns a Rectangle which encloses all the Points in a given Array of Points
RectFromPoints (PointF[]) Returns a Rectangle which encloses all the Points in a given Array of PointF's
RelocateEGByVisibleArea Calculates Locations and Transfers Graphs to a newly-instantiated Graph in which they are wholely visible
ReturnFromFSMarquee Handles a return from Free-Form Marquee to create a new Cut or ConjunctiveEG
ReturnFromMarquee Handles start of scribing new Graph on this Container at Return from Outlining Marquee
ScribeBiclosure Scribes a Rectangular Biclosure, Inner Cut First, tranferring enclosed Graphs
ScribeNewDot Calls Constructor for a New Dot, and performs ancillary operations
ToString () Returns a single-line String corresponding to this ContainerGraph
ToString (Boolean) Able to return a multi-line String correponding to this ContainerGraph
TransferEnclosedGraphsToNewContainer () Moves Graphs to a new Container Created around them
TransferEnclosedGraphsToNewContainer (ContainerGraph) Moves Graphs to a new Container Created around them