ConjunctiveEG Members

ConjunctiveEG Overview


New(ConjunctiveEG, ContainerGraph, Point) A Copy Constructor; primary use is in Reiterating EG, or inserting on Verso
New(ContainerGraph, Point, Size) The basic Constructor, ordinarily used for an entirely new ConjunctiveEG
New(Point[], ContainerGraph) Constructor based on an Array of Points imported to define the margin of this EG
New(String, ContainerGraph, Point, Size, Color, Boolean, CtxMenuStyle) Constructor for reconstruction of ConjunctiveEG from XML
New() The plain vanilla Constructor

Public Properties

CEGBrush Brush used to Hatch ConjunctiveEG for easy recognition

Public Methods

GetInventoryConjunctiveEGsIndex Reads current Index of this Object in the Inventory; this may differ from IndexFixed, which is the Index in ConjunctiveEGsHistoric
PaintDetailsForKEG Used by ContainerGraph.Paint to set certain Parameters when the ContainerGraph is a ConjunctiveEG